• Thoroughly read and understand the information in this product
manual before attempting to use this product. If the procedures and
instructions in this product manual are not followed, serious injury
could occur.
• A qualifi ed professional must assess the appropriateness and safety of
all equipment for each user.
• This product is intended for use by client’s of unreliable judgment.
Adult supervision is required at all times.
• Do not use this product on rough and uneven terrain, around
swimming pools, or near stairways.
• All mobility equipment may become unstable when used improperly.
• Straps and supports are provided for the safety of the user and must
be carefully adjusted for comfort and security. The use of straps and
supports must be supervised at all times.
• Restraints – Using straps, trays or supports to restrict a client’s
movement is considered behavioral restraint, which may raise ethical
and legal issues for your facility. Rifton Equipment is not intended for
this use.
• Do not exceed the maximum working load (see page 5).
• Please save this product manual. Additional copies are available