• Steel hardware items (nuts, bolts, screws, etc) are typically zinc or nickel plated,
or stainless steel.
• Upholstery items (pads, support blocks, padded prompts, etc) are typically
fi re-retardant polyurethane foam with a fi re-retardant cover made from
expanded vinyl.
• Frames are typically steel or aluminum tubing, welded together, and
coated with a baked-on paint fi nish. Some frame components may also be
stainless steel.
• Tires are tubeless, fi lled with polyurethane foam, and do not require infl ation.
• Straps are typically made of polypropylene or nylon webbing.
• Wooden components are typically birch plywood, solid maple, or laminated
hardwood veneers, fi nished with a clear polyurethane lacquer.
• Tabletops are typically high-pressure laminate (Formica).
• Plastic components are typically injection molded from a variety of
industrial resins.
• All materials are latex, lead and phthalates free.
User modifi cations
CAUTION: Rifton Equipment cannot accept responsibility for any modifi cations
or alterations made to our components or products after they leave our premises.
Customers modifying or altering our components or products, or using them
in conjunction with products from other manufacturers, do so at their own risk
since we are unable to validate the safety and effi cacy of the modifi ed or altered
product. The modifi cation or alteration of our components and products, or the
use of our components or products in conjunction with products from other
manufacturers, may make the components and products unsafe, which could