English – 9
Spring Clip
On the outermost push cable guide, press the tab to-
ward the outer edge of the push guide to lock open the
clip and free the camera spring. After the camera spring
is released, return the spring clip to the operation posi-
tion. In the operation position, the spring clip helps guide
the push cable and secures the camera spring when it is
pushed back through the cable guides preventing it from
retracting back into the drum. The spring clip must be
in the operation position during transport to prevent the
camera spring from retracting back into the drum.
Operation Position
Locked Open
Only lock open the spring clip when you are routing the
camera. Keep the spring clip in the operation position
during normal use.
Push Cable Guides
There are three push cable guides on the frame, one
inner guide and two outer guides. When using the
Compact2, the camera, spring, and push cable should
be threaded through all three guides.
Inner Push Cable Guide
Camera Head
Outer Push Cable Guides
Spring Clip
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