278-109-441.10_REV. B
K-750R Drain Cleaning Machine
Figure 19 – Motor Reset Button
Service and Repair
Improper service or repair can make machine un-
safe to operate.
The “Maintenance Instructions” will take care of most of
the service needs of this machine. Any problems not ad-
dressed by this section should only be handled by an au-
thorized RIDGID service technician.
Tool should be taken to a RIDGID Independent Author -
ized Service Center or returned to the factory.
For information on your nearest RIDGID Independent
Service Center or any service or repair questions,
Contact Information section
in this manual.
Motor Reset
Cable kinking or breaking.
Drum stops while foot
switch is depressed.
Restarts when foot
switch is re-depressed.
Cable turns in one direc-
tion but not the other.
Ground Fault Circuit
Inter rupter (GFCI) trips
when ma chine is
plugged in or when
switch is depressed.
Motor turning but drum
is not.
Machine wobbles or
moves while cleaning
Cable is being forced.
Cable used in incorrect pipe diameter.
Motor switched to reverse.
Cable exposed to acid.
Cable worn out.
Cable not properly supported.
Hole in foot switch or hose.
Hole in air switch.
Faulty FOR/O-OFF/REV switch.
Damaged power cord.
Short circuit in motor.
Faulty Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI).
Moisture in motor, switch or on plug.
Belt slipping because cable is being forced..
Torque limiter slipping because cable is being forced.
Belt not on drum or pulley.
Cable not evenly distributed.
Kickstands are not on ground.
Ground not level/stable.
Do Not Force Cable! Let the cutter do the work.
Use correct cable for pipe size.
Use reverse only if cable gets caught in pipe.
Clean cables routinely.
If cable is worn, replace it.
Support cable properly, see instructions.
Replace damaged component.
If no problem found with foot switch or hose, replace
air switch.
Replace switch.
Replace cord set.
Take unit to authorized service center.
Replace cord set that includes a Ground Fault
Circuit Interrupter.
Take drain cleaner to an Authorized Service Center.
Do not force cable.
Do not force cable.
Re-install belt.
Pull all cable out and refeed in, evenly distribute.
Move kickstands to use position.
Place on level stable surface.