CIP Training
Plockmatic SquareBack Trimmer
Side Trim
Square Back
Square Back
The operator has the option of
sharpening or softening the square
edges of the finished booklet based
on application or preference.
The Auto mode is on by default but, if
the Square Back is not satisfactory, the
user can adjust it manually by tapping
on the green switch, which will turn the
Auto mode off.
To adjust the amount of Square Back
pressure, press [+] for sharper edges
and [-] for softer edges.
Push the green check mark to confirm
the changes or the red cross to discard
them and to go back to the main menu.
If the Square Back does not give
satisfactory results, it might need to be
Fine Adjusted. To do so, see “Square
Back Fine Adjustment” under section 5
of this manual.
Side Trim
To adjust the amount of side trim, press
[+] or [-] or enter the desired length of
the booklet using the numeric keypad
The maximum amount of trimming on
each side is 24 mm / 0.94”.
Push the green check mark to confirm
the changes or the red cross to discard
them and to go back to the main menu.
Pushing the blue play button will bring
the user to the next setting: “Square