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details only.
By the above, FTP_TRP.1 (Trusted path) is satisfied.
Delivering to Folders from TOE
When sending (delivering) data to folders on SMB or FTP server, the TOE connects to the server using the
IPSec protocol to create a trusted channel. The destination information for the Deliver to Folders function is
registered in advance and managed by the TOE as machine control data. Users can send files referring to
the registered folder information only.
By the above, FTP_ITC.1 (Inter-TSF trusted channel) is satisfied.
Protection Function for Intrusion via Telephone Line
When it receives fax data from the telephone line, the TOE passes the data to the Controller Board. If the
received data is not fax data, the TOE discards it.
By the above, FDP_IFC.1 (Subset information flow control) and FDP_IFF.1 (Simple security attributes) are
MFP Control Software Verification Function
At every TOE start-up, the MFP Control Software Verification Function verifies the integrity of the MFP
Control Software.
The TOE verifies the integrity of the executable code of the MFP Control Software each time the TOE
starts up. The TOE becomes available for users only if the integrity of the control software can be verified.
If integrity cannot be verified, it indicates that the MFP Control Software is not correct.
By the above, FPT_TST.1 (TSF testing) is satisfied.