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TOE resets the number of available authentication attempts for that user to 0 and starts counting from 0.
When either of the following two Lockout release actions, (1) or (2), is performed by a user whose Lockout
Flag is set to "Active", the TOE resets the Lockout Flag for that user to "Inactive" and releases the Lockout.
Auto Lockout Release
If the user fails to authenticate after making the number of attempts specified to initiate
lockout, and the lockout time has elapsed, then lockout will be released upon the first
successful identification and authentication by the locked-out user. The machine
administrator specifies the lockout time between 1 and 9999 minutes. If the machine
administrator sets the lockout time to indefinite, lockout release will be performed only by
manual lockout release. In this case, lockout release must be performed by manual lockout
Manual Lockout Release
The unlocking administrators (specified for each user role, as shown in Table 28), have
permission to release Lockout using the Web Service Function. If an administrator (any role)
or a supervisor is locked out, as a special Lockout release operation, restarting the TOE
releases Lockout.
Table 28: Unlocking administrators for each user role
User roles (locked out users)
Unlocking administrators
General users
User administrator
Administrators (all administrator roles)
Machine administrator
By the above, FIA_AFL.1 (Authentication failure handling) and FMT_SMF.1 (Specification of
Management Functions) are satisfied.
Password Feedback Area Protection
The TOE display s a string of masking characters (*: asterisks or
: bullets) in place of each letter of a
password entered from the Operation Panel or the Web browser of a client computer by a general user,
administrator, or supervisor.
From the above, FIA_UAU.7 (Protected authentication feedback) is satisfied.
Password Registration
The TOE provides a function for registering and changing the passwords of general users, administrators,
and a supervisor from the Operation Panel or the Web Service Function. This function uses a string of
masking characters described in (1).
This function checks if the password to be registered or changed meets conditions (2) and (3). If it does, the
password is registered. If it does not, the password is not registered and an error message appears.
(1) Usable characters and its types: