OR-C2 Training
Slide 77
Shift Tray – Up/Down Mechanism
Shift tray motor: Moves
the tray up/down until the
top of the stack is at the
correct position
Shift tray position sensor:
Detects the top of the
stack when it is at the
correct position
Upper limit switch: Stops
the shift tray motor when
the tray moves up too far
Lower limit sensors 1 and
2: Detect when the tray
cannot go down more
Sensor 1: Used for A3
Sensor 2: Used for A4
Shift Tray
Position Sensor
Lower Limit
Sensor 2
Shift Tray
Upper Limit
Lower Limit
Sensor 1
The B793 has two lower limit sensors. The D686/D687 have only one.
The tray moves up/down to keep the top of the stack at the correct position.
Detected by the shift tray position sensor.
If the lower limit sensor turns on, copying stops.
During sort/stack mode, the tray position is adjusted every 5 pages.
During staple mode, the tray position is adjusted after every stapled set is fed