Richter Chemie-Technik GmbH
T 49 (0) 21 52 / 146- 0
J.P. Morgan AG, Frankfurt/Main · Kto. Nr. 6 161 507 538 (BLZ 501 108 00)
Otto-Schott-Straße 2
Telefax + 49 (0) 21 52 / 146- 190
BIC/SWIFT: CHASDEFX · IBAN Code: DE61 5011 0800 6161 5075 38
D-47906 Kempen
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kempen · Amtsgericht Krefeld HRB 9635
USt. Id. Nr. DE 811 127 054
Geschäftsführer: Barbara Wladarz, Derk Veraar, Marc Uleman
Richter Chemie-Technik GmbH · Postfach 10 06 09 · D-47883 Kempen
Declaration of no objection
Dear Sirs,
The compliance with laws for the industrial safety obligates all commercial enterprises to protect their
employees and/or humans and environment against harmful effects while handling dangerous materials.
The laws are such as: the Health and Safety at Work Act (ArbStättV), the Ordinance on Harzadous Substances
(GefStoffV, BIOSTOFFV), the procedures for the prevention of accidents as well as regulations to
environmental protection, e.g. the Waste Management Law (AbfG) and the Water Resources Act (WHG)
An inspection/repair of Richter products and parts will only take place, if the attached explanation is filled out
correctly and completely by authorized and qualified technical personnel and is available.
In principle, radioactively loaded devices sent in, are not accepted.
Despite careful draining and cleaning of the devices, safety precautions should be necessary however, the
essential information must be given.
The enclosed declaration of no objection is part of the inspection/repair order. Even if this certificate is
available, we reserve the right to reject the acceptance of this order for other reasons.
Best regards