Tiga User Manual
Tiga User Manual |
Procedure 3 - Tyres and Inner Tubes
Procedure 3 & 4
Tyres will wear just like a car tyre and the time will depend on the type of use. It is recommended that both tyres are
changed once the tread fades. For pneumatic tyres, there is a risk that a puncture will occur and the inner tube will need
to be replaced in order to keep the wheelchair operational.
3.1: Changing the tyre
Remove the wheel from the wheelchair and release air
in the tube by pressing the small pin inside the valve, if a
Presta valve, then unscrew both the head and the securing
ring at base and press the top until air releases. Using
2 x tyre levers (supplied in the toolkit), unhook the tyre
completely from the wheel rim. Remove inner tube and tyre
from wheel rim.
To install the tyre, place one side of the new tyre on the
wheel rim. Then insert the inner tube inside the tyre and
align the valve with the wheel rim hole. Ensure there are
no kinks or uneven tension in the inner tube before putting
the second side of the tyre back on the wheel rim using the
tyre levers. Be careful not to pinch the inner tube. Once tyre
and inner tube are on the wheel rim, replace securing ring
(if applicable) then inflate tyre a little. Adjust inner tube and
tyre so that they fit nicely on the wheel rim and inflate to the
recommended tyre pressure.
3.2: Changing the inner tube
Repeat the method above but do not remove tyre
completely, just remove inner tube. If problems continue,
remove tyre and inner tube and ensure there are no sharp
edges in the wheel rim which may be causing a puncture.
4.1: Adjusting Axle Tube position
To adjust the axle position, remove wheels. Using a 5mm allen
key for the toolkit, release the top screw on each side of the
axle clamp as shown in Fig 7 (A). Once released but still intact,
move the axle backward for more stability and move forward
for more tip. Tighten the top screws once position has been
set, and carefully use the chair as it where the first time.
4.2: Replacing Axle tube
To replace the axle tube, remove wheels. Using a 5mm allen
key from the toolkit, release the bottom screw completely from
the axle clamp as shown in Fig 7 (B). Take note of the distance
between the axle clamp and the axle tube for set up of the
new axle tube. Slide new tube into the clamps and into the
same position as the old axle tube. The notch in the axle insert
must be at the top of the axle tube.
If the wheelchair feels slow after replacing the axle tube, rotate
the axle tube a little forwards or backwards to correct the
wheel alignment.
The position of the footrest, camber bar, as well as
the tautness of the back upholstery, are directly
related to the chair’s stability.
Any change to one or any combination of the
three may cause the chair to decrease in stability.
Use EXTREME caution when using a new seating
position for the first time.
Fig 7.
A = Adjust Position
B = Remove and replace
Procedure 4 - Camber Bar
The Camber Axle or Camber Tube control your wheel position and your centre of gravity. It is very important to have this
set up for your requirements for performance and safety. Axle tube can be fixed or adjustable. Fixed means this cannot
be adjusted and for a user who is experienced and knows their balance point. Adjustable position gives the user choice
and is ideal for less experienced users