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User Guide: RFM5104/14 Predictive Maintenance System User Guide
4.2. Assign Sensors Screen
The Assign Sensors screen is used to associate a sensor with a particular location and group. Sensors
are typically placed in a group if all the sensors can read from one position. Sensors should pref-
erably be installed and assigned one at a time. Once a sensor assignment is made and saved, it is
permanent until a new or modified SENSOR FILE is chosen.
Screen 4:
The reader operates in low-pow-
er mode when assigning sensors. Sensors are
assigned one at a time. The sensor can be
installed on the equipment before making assign-
ments, or they can be assigned within the system
and then installed on the equipment. Preinstall-
ing the sensors reduces the opportunity to mix
up sensors and locations. Please use caution if
assigning the entire population of sensors before
installing them on equipment. The risk of mix-
ing sensors and locations is very high with that
To assign a sensor, place the reader within 10-20
cm of the sensor before clicking the READ SEN-
SOR button.
Screen 4.1:
The sensor details are displayed in
the window below the READ SENSORS button.
Choose the GROUP and LOCATION description to
be assigned from the pull-downs.
The GROUP pull-down menu contains a list of
groups within the SENSOR FILE which contain
at least one location that does not yet have a
sensor assigned to it. The LOCATION pull-down
contains a list of the unassigned locations in the
selected group.
It is important that the only one unassigned sen-
sor be visible to the reader during assignments.
If multiple unassigned sensors are found, move
the reader closer to the desired sensor, or block
the undesired sensor by covering it with alumi-
num foil or your hand.
Screen 4.2:
If a single unassigned sensor is found
by the reader, its EPC will be displayed, and the
ASSIGN button will be enabled. Click the ASSIGN
button to assign the sensor.
The SAVE TO FILE button writes the sensor as-
signments to the currently selected SENSOR
FILE. If a mistake is made in assigning sensors, it
is possible to return to the main menu without