Big Dog Surveillance Systems, a division of R.F. Technologies, Inc
. | | 800-598-2370
Chicago | St. Louis | Dallas | Los Angeles | Manchester
Enter a short name
Register Mode
Leave as IP/Domain
Enter information given above
Leave at 8000 unless told to change
User Name
Enter the information given above
Enter information given above
Tap the SAVE button (disk icon) located at the top right of the screen.
Wait for the spinning circle in the middle of the screen to clear.
You may receive a message indicating you have a weak or risky password. If you choose to change your
password it must be changed on the DVR before changing in the app.
Camera No. should now show the number of cameras your system can handle.
Tap Start Live View.
If you wish to have a favorite list of several cameras from one or more devices or fewer cameras from one device do the
following while in Live View on the NVMS7000 app.
Tap the Camera List button (circle with a page icon) located at the top right of the screen.
On the Camera List page your device(s) listed.
The circle with a greater than symbol to the left of your device(s) allows you to
see and select any of the
cameras attached to the device.
The circle with the arrow to the right of your device(s) allows you to select all or none of the cameras
attached to the device.
Using the two icons mentioned above choose the camera(s) from your device(s).
Once done Start Live View at the bottom of the page will have the number of cameras you have chosen in
Tap the
Favorites (folder with plus icon) located at the bottom right of the screen and enter a name to remind
you of the cameras you have chosen and press Confirm.
On the Camera List page you will now see the name you created with a star to the left. This will allow you to quickly
choose selected camera views or entire devices.
Tap on Start Live View to view the device(s), camera(s) or favorite you created.
Rev. 2/1/2022
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