Big Dog Surveillance Systems, a division of R.F. Technologies, Inc
. | | 800-598-2370
Chicago | St. Louis | Dallas | Los Angeles | Manchester
Now your web page should look like this.
TOP LEFT: Navigation links to Live View, Playback and Configuration.
TOP RIGHT: Current user and a Logout link
LEFT: A list of cameras on the left with a graphical display of the camera and stream types.
RIGHT: PTZ controls (No PTZ cameras are present on the demo system) This panel can be collapsed by
clicking on the blue icon with a greater than > symbol
Once logged in the demo cameras will not automatically stream. Before starting the video streams we will change the
number of cameras to be displayed on the screen at one time and force the page to load the full resolution video
Look for a group of four icons on the lower left of the page.
The furthest left icon allows you to change the number of cameras displayed on the screen at one
time. Left click on this icon and then select the four division icon that appears below.
The second icon from the left allows you to change all cameras from low resolution to high resolution
streams. Left click the icon and then select the icon with the circled 1 that appears below.
Rev. 2/1/2022
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