RFM-1000/1100 Technical Manual
ervice messages
Service messages will be displayed on the LCD screen should a condition occur that a person should be
alerted to. If a condition should occur the following Service Messages will be displayed:
Service Message
AZ Count
Is displayed if azimuth motor current can be detected in both directions but no counts are
AZ Motor
Is displayed if no azimuth motor current is detected or maximum azimuth motor current is
detected and there are no counts.
AZ Limit
Is displayed when total azimuth motor counts exceed maximum count value plus 20%.
EL Count
Is displayed if elevation motor current can be detected in both directions but no counts are
EL Motor
Is displayed if no elevation motor current is detected or maximum elevation motor current
is detected and there are no counts.
EL Limit
Is displayed when total elevation motor counts exceed maximum count value plus 20%.
SK Count
Is displayed if skew motor current can be detected in both directions but no counts are
SK Motor
Is displayed if no skew motor current is detected or maximum skew motor current is
detected and there are no counts.
SK Limit
Is displayed when total skew motor counts exceed maximum count value plus 10%.
No Signal
Is displayed when the Antenna Controller has searched the entire sky but no signals were
detected to stop and peak.
No Sat
Is displayed when the Antenna Controller has searched the entire sky but no Satellites
were found or identified.