Bosch Rexroth AG
VT-HACD-3-2X RE 30543/12.10
Software project planning
Project planning
The creation of a parameter file forms the basis for the func-
tion of the HACD. The parameter file contains the block struc-
ture of the HACD in which the links of the variables will be
created. The parameter files are created in BODAC. The
parameter file can be created offline and transferred to the
HACD by means of a PC.
This software project planning is implemented according to
the following steps:
1. Selection of the HACD.
2. Application is defined by means of the block structure.
3. Setting of the parameter values (sensors, controllers...).
4. The data is sent to the HACD.
5. Storage of the data in the flash.
6. The setting and the machine sequence are optimized at
the machine.
PC program BODAC
For the implementation of the project planning tasks, the
BODAC PC program is available to the user. It serves the
programming, setting, and diagnosis of the HACD.
Scope of services:
– Comfortable dialog functions for setting the machine data
online or offline
– Dialog window for setting the parameter values online
– Comprehensive options for displaying process variables,
digital inputs, outputs, and flags
– Recording and graphical presentation of up to eight pro-
cess variables with great selection of trigger options
PC-System requirements:
– Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
– Random access memory (256 MB recommended)
– 250 MB free hard disk capacity
The BODAC PC program is
included in the scope of de-
livery. It can be downloaded in the Internet free of charge!
Download in the Internet: www.boschrexroth.com/hacd
Inquiries: [email protected]