IP Settings
Here you can choose whether you want
to assign a fixed IP address or whether
the Symphony will obtain an automatic
IP address from the router using DHCP.
Factory setting is DHCP.
Selection options:
Automatic (DHCP)
Manual input
In the case of a manual input, you can
make the following settings:
IP Address
Subnet mask
Gateway IP
DNS Server 1
DNS Server 2
Pressing the OK button moves you from
one input field to the next. After the DNS
Server 2 input has been made, the data
is applied and the system attempts to
establish a connection.
WLAN Settings
Here, you can make the settings for a
WLAN connection. If there is no LAN
connection, any wireless networks that
are found, are displayed in a list. Select
the WLAN network you want to use and
allow the system to guide you through
the connection menu.
If there is already a LAN connection, you
can enter the network name (SSID) and
establish a connection by inputting the
password, the encryption type and the
DHCP definitions.
Network Restart
Carry out a restart after modifying the
network settings (IP/ WLAN) or when
swapping the LAN/WLAN network.
MAC Address
Display of the MAC address that has been
uniquely assigned to this Symphony.
Quick start function
If the Quickstart function is activated
[on], the network processor is switched
on permanently. This significantly
reduces the switch-on phase, as the
connection to the network doesn't have
to be built up again. All other sub-
assemblies, such as the audio signal
processing or the outputs, including the
main transformer are switched off, as
with normal standby mode.
Quickstart mode [on] is also a
requirement, in order to be able to
control the receiver with a network-
based Revox App S232(Apple)/ S235
Standby consumption goes up < 0,6 watts
to 4,5 watts, if the Quickstart function is