Pos : 2. 11 /0020 Übersc hrift en/1.1 Ü bersc hriften/ 1. 1 Ü berschrif ten BDA/11 R eparatur en @ 0\mod_1223624336511_9. doc x @ 2978 @ 2 @ 1
Reperatur en
1.3 Repairs
Pos : 2. 12 /0010 RET SCH St andard Kapit elG ener al Modul R eparatur en @ 0\ mod_1228722954535_9. doc x @ 4079 @ @ 1
This operating manual does not contain any repair instructions. For your own
safety, repairs may only be carried out by Retsch GmbH or an authorized
representative or by Retsch service engineers.
In that case please inform:
The Retsch representative in your country
Your supplier
Retsch GmbH directly
Your Service Address:
Pos : 3. 1 / 0005 R ETSCH /0010 RET SCH Soft ware Anl eit ung en/PM GrindContr ol- - - - Seit enumbruc h - - - - @ 0\ mod_1208857688413_0. doc x @ 337 @ @ 1