either more than one receiver or that you are able to move around quickly, for example
by car, as each direction should be taken with as short a time lapse as possible bet-
ween them.
One other simple check if a dog is in close proximity can be done without extending
the telescopic antennas. Turn the receiver on and set the gain dial to the maximum
(10). If the signal can be heard in the receiver in this situation, then the dog is within a
few hundred yards radius. Using this method will not provide any direction to the
dog, but can still be useful in cases, for example, when the dog is only out searching
for quarry.
14. Range.
To get the best possible range from your tracking equipment in all situations then you
should always attempt to track from higher spots and open areas. Further, holding the
receiver upside down above your head with an extended arm will also improve recep-
tion considerably. Also connecting an earphone to the receiver will improve hearing
the transmitter signal, which in turn should allow for detecting the transmitter at far-
ther distances than normal.
Resting a hand or other body part on any portion of the receiver antenna will impair
receiver function. For best results, be sure that the receiver antenna is always unob-
structed when tracking.
Tracking in the vicinity of an automobile increases the risk of signal reflections from
the direction of the car. The reason for this is that the transmitter signal reflects off the
chassis of the car resulting in the receiver showing an incorrect direction to the trans-
mitter. A car can, however, be used when tracking a dog that has moved a long distan-
ce during a hunt. Contact™ has good reception ability even when used inside the car
while driving.
Tracking adjacent to steep stone walls, large rock outcroppings or buildings can also
increase the risk of reflecting signals. You should always attempt to track from the
most open, unobstructed areas that can be found. It is also ideal if you can find a high
spot or hill in the terrain from which to track.
15. Spare parts and service.
All parts, which are subject to wear during use of the Contact™ Tracking System, are
easily replaceable, for example the transmitter collar and antenna and receiver antenna.
Batteries and spare parts can be ordered from your authorized dealer. Equipment
requiring service or repair should be sent to:
Telemetry Solutions Inc.
1130 Burnett Ave. Suite J
Concord, CA 94520, USA