1 Description
The RENY OPTIMA combines comfort and an efficient heat release. During development, very high qual-
ity materials were used. It’s not for nothing that RENY offers no less than 5 years of warranty regarding
her products. This is reflected in a solid and functional construction with sublime finishing. Simplicity,
soundness and the appealing design are the foundation of the pure enjoyment of the extreme comfort
associated with an ambient wood fire.
1.1 Construction
The extremely robust construction of the stove is composed out of boiler steel. The way RENY applies
boiler steel is unique and far ahead of its time. This material, mainly used in heavy industrial applica-
tions, addresses all future demands with regard to wood stoves. In order to achieve an environmentally
friendly incineration, extremely high temperatures are imperative. To achieve this high incineration tem-
perature, the hearth has an incineration compartment with a revolutionary design. The V-shape bottom,
primary aeration channel, tertiary aeration channel, double heat shield and vermiculite panels ensure
a complete burning. All fuel will be maximally utilized and waste will be limited to a minimum.The flue
system has a diameter of Ø150mm (OPTIMA 53 and 60) or Ø200mm (OPTIMA 70 and 80). The whole
burning process is controlled by one single damper above the door. The door handle was designed
in such a way that it hardly absorbs any heat from the stove. All this in combination with the separate
control handle ensures optimal ease of use. The coating of the stove consists of a heat resistant coating
(Anthracite, color code 930). The stove was manufactured completely in our own factory using the most
modern techniques. A team of professionals has constructed, manufactured and verified the stove with
the greatest possible care. This guarantees the high quality you’ve come to expect of RENY.
1.2 SGI-system
RENY was the first manufacturer to introduce the Schoon Glas Injectie (Clean Glass Injection) system.
The stove has been designed in such a way that airflow is created just alongside the windowpane. This
creates optimal burning at that location, which prevents windows from becoming charred and instead
keeps them extremely clean. This allows you to keep enjoying the atmospheric flame interaction. How-
ever, soot can not always be prevented. Staining depends on a number of factors, such as:
• Operation
Chimney draught
Weather conditions
Wood quality.
Houses are insulated increasingly well. Chinks in windows and doors are a thing of the past. This means
that much less outside air enters the house than before. A conventional stove would not perform well
in these energy efficient houses. The stove can not burn very well and the flue is drawn into the house.
The required oxygen for incineration is unavailable which means that a vacuum may occur. This is why
RENY has developed the Lucht Van Buiten (LVB) system (Outside Air system). This allows an external
aeration supply so that a closed system is established. This closed system ensures that the entire primary,
secondary and tertiary aeration can be supplied with fresh air from outside. This creates a perfect
incineration, without air being extracted from your living area. The LVB-system extracts extra yield from
the used energy, because no heated air from the room is used for the burning. This allows the stove to
perform optimally in any situation.
1.4 Heat transfer
The transfer of heat by the stove consists of two elements: convection- and radiation heat.
1.4.1 Convection heat
The convection heat is caused by the heating of ambient air. this flows underneath the door into the
double walled circuit between the outer sheath and the incineration compartment. The cold air is heated