GKA200 v1.xx
Product name, Firmware version
28.02.19 19:23:18 UTC +02
Date/time/time zone
Alarm function enabled
GSM: 63%
GSM signal strength
Guard: off
vibration sensor off
Voice: on
noise sensor on
Move: off
PIR sensor off
Batt: 33%
battery charge level
IMEI: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Setting the time, date and time zone
The product let’s you set a time and date.
If time and date are set, the day of the week will be calculated automatically. SMS
messages will thus include the exact time and date, regardless of when an SMS was
sent or received.
Moreover, some functions require that the current time and date is set.
SET TIMEDATE <hh mm dd mm yy zz> #1513
= time and date
The following settings are possible:
Hour (hh)
Minute (mm) Day (dd) Month (mm) Year (yy) Time zone (zz)
(-12 bis +12)
Example: 13:24 hours, 28.09.2016, time zone +2h
SET TIMEDATE 13 24 28 09 16 +02 #1513
Single-figure numbers must always include a leading “0“. Instead of “9“ write “09“.
Example of an SMS reply:
GKA200 v1.xx
Time: 19:23
Date: 28.02.19
Zone Time: +02