R0E417250MCU00 User
’s Manual
R20UT3587EJ0302 Rev.3.02
Page 96 of 232
Sep.01. 21
Turning columns in all source files off
(1) From the Editor window
1. Right-click in the Editor window and choose Define Column Format from the popup menu.
2. The Global Editor Column States dialog box will be displayed.
Figure 5.8 Global Editor Column States dialog box
3. Deselect the checkboxes of columns you want to turn off. Click the OK button, and the new settings you have made will
take effect.
Turning columns off for one source file
(1) From the Editor window
1. Right-click in the Editor window and choose Columns from the popup menu.
2. A cascaded menu will be displayed. A check mark is to the left of the names of currently enabled columns.
Figure 5.9 Popup menu window
3. Clicking on a column name toggles the setting between enabling and disabling of the column.