R0E417250MCU00 User
’s Manual
R20UT3587EJ0302 Rev.3.02
Page 75 of 232
Sep.01. 21
4.4 Opening an Existing Workspace
Follow the procedure below to open an existing workspace.
(1) In the Welcome! dialog box, select the radio button with the caption “Browse to another project workspace” and click on
the OK button.
Figure 4.10 Welcome! dialog box
(2) The Open Workspace dialog box shown below will appear.
Figure 4.11 Open Workspace dialog box
Specify the directory in which the workspaces was created, select the workspace file (extension “.hws”), and click on the
Select button.
(3) The High-performance Embedded Workshop will start, and its state will be restored to the state at the time the selected
workspace was saved. If the emulator was connected at the time, the workspace is automatically connected to the emulator.
If the emulator was not connected but you want to connect it, refer to “4.5 Connecting the Emulator” (page 76).