R0E417250MCU00 User
’s Manual
R20UT3587EJ0302 Rev.3.02
Page 86 of 232
Sep.01. 21
(1) Selecting the input clock
In the Clock section on the System page, select the sources of the clock signals supplied for the main clock and subclock.
The main clock can be selected from among three choices: Emulator, User and Generate (by default, Emulator is selected).
Select Emulator when the main clock is supplied from an internal source and User when the main clock is supplied from an
external source. To use a user-defined clock, select Generate and enter the clock frequency in the text box.
The clock frequency can be set in the range from 1.0 to 99.9 MHz in 0.1-MHz units. The clock frequency for Generate can be
set only once each time the emulator is booted-up.
Subclock options are only selectable for MCUs that support a subclock function. ‘Emulator’ or ‘Main clock divided by 256’
can be selected (by default, Emulator is selected).
The frequency accuracy for Generate is
5%. Please make sure that final evaluation is performed with a resonator or oscillator
module mounted to generate the actual frequency for use on the target board.
(2) Selecting the direction of the external trigger cable
For the external trigger cable, select the direction of EXT pins 16–31 as input or output. EXT pins 0–15 are fixed as inputs.
Select either of the following options:
- EXT 0–31 INPUT (initial value)
- EXT 0–15 INPUT, EXT 16–31 OUTPUT
(3) Selecting a trigger input level
Select CMOS level or TTL level as the trigger input level. Select either of the following options:
- EXT 0–31 CMOS (initial value)
- EXT 0–15 TTL, EXT 16–31 CMOS
(4) Selecting a code-coverage mode
Select a code-coverage mode.
C0: Instruction coverage rate
C0 + C1: Instruction coverage rate and branch coverage rate
Up to 2 Mbytes of coverage information can be measured in C0-level coverage, while up to 1 Mbyte of coverage information
can be measured in C1-level coverage. C0 coverage is selected by default.
This option can only be set in booting-up of the emulator and is only available when Code coverage has been selected in the
Switching function section. If you wish to use the code coverage function after the emulator has started up, use this option to
select a mode in advance.
(5) Selecting a switching function
The code coverage, data coverage and realtime profile functions cannot be used at the same time. Select one from among these
Code coverage is selected by default.
The setting of this option can be changed even after the emulator has been booted up.
When the code coverage function is selected, measurements are performed at the coverage level selected under Coverage.