Testing the Model DDX Deluge Valve Without
Flowing Water
Refer to Fig. 6
1. Close the valve controlling water supply to Deluge Valve
and open the main drain valve B.
2. Verify that valve A is open, allowing water to enter the push
rod chamber.
3. Operate detection systems – energize the solenoid valve
by operating both a detector and the low air pressure
switch (refer to Bulletin 700, “Special Hazards & Special
Systems” for details).
4. Operation of the detection system will result in a sudden
drop of water pressure in the push rod chamber.
5. Reset detection system — reverse operations performed
in step three above and then proceed according to the di-
rections listed in the “Resetting the Type D Double Inter-
lock Preaction System” section of this bulletin for resetting
the Deluge Valve.
Draining Excess/Condensate Water From System
Refer to Fig. 6
1. Close the main valve controlling water supply to Deluge
Valve. Also close valve A and open main drain valve B.
2. Open condensate drain valve H until all water has
drained. Close valve H.
Be sure not to keep
valve H open for an extended period of time because
that will cause enough system air to bleed off thereby
tripping the low air pressure switch causing an undesir-
able alarm condition.
3. Close main drain valve B. If system contains pressurized
air, allow air pressure to come back up to specification.
Open valve A first, and then open the main valve control-
ling the water supply to the Deluge Valve.
Maintenance Procedures - Model DDX Deluge
Refer to Figs. 2, 5, & 6.
Mechanical sprinkler alarm (water motor–not
shown) not operating:
This is most likely caused by a clogged screen in the
strainer of the water motor. Proceed as follows: Re-
move plug from the strainer. Remove and clean the
screen. Replace the screen and the plug, and then
tighten securely (Ref. Bulletin 613).
2. Leakage out of the ball drip valve E (Fig. 6).
a. Water leakage due to a water column above the
Deluge Valve’s clapper:
This condition can be caused by leakage past the
system side of the Model DDX Deluge Valve’s seal
faceplate subassembly (#8, Fig. 5). Be sure that this
surface is free of any type of debris. To eliminate
leakage due to a water column, refer to the section in
this bulletin marked “Draining Excess/Condensate
Water From System”. If the problem continues pro-
ceed to the following section.
b. Leakage, air or water from the ball drip valve, E
(Fig. 6):
If system air is leaking out the ball drip valve, the prob-
lem is either damage to the airside of the Model DDX
Deluge Valve’s seal faceplate subassembly (#8, Fig. 5),
seat (#29, Fig. 5),or the upper seat O-ring (#23, Fig. 5). If
supply water is leaking out the ball drip valve, the prob-
lem could be caused by damage to the Model DDX De-
luge Valve’s seal faceplate sub-assembly (#8, Fig. 5),
seat (#29, Fig. 5), or lower seat O-ring (#24, Fig. 5). The
following section provides instructions to correct both
A) Shut down the valve controlling the water supply to
the Deluge Valve and open the 1-1/4” main
drain valve B (Fig. 6). Open the water column
drain valve H (Fig. 6). Close the push rod cham-
ber supply valve A (Fig. 6) and open the Model B
Manual Emergency Station D (Fig. 6).
B) Remove the Deluge Valve’s front (handhold) cover
(#7, Fig. 5) and inspect the seat (#29, Fig. 5), clap-
per (#6, Fig. 5),and seal faceplate subassembly
(#8, Fig. 5) for damage.
If inspection indicates damage to the seal faceplate
sub-assembly (#8, Fig. 5), replace as follows:
Remove the bump stop nut subassembly (#10, Fig. 5)
and remove the seal assembly (#8, Fig. 5). Install a new
seal assembly (#8, Fig. 5) and thread the bump stop nut
(#10, Fig. 5) onto the threaded stud of the seal sub-as-
sembly (#8, Fig. 5) and tighten finger tight plus ¼ to ½
If inspection indicates damage to the clapper (#6, Fig.
5) only, then the clapper sub-assembly can be re-
moved as follows:
At the rear of the valve, disconnect the water column
drain trim section starting with the elbow connector
(#23, Fig. 2). Then remove the ¼" angle valve (#63, Fig.
2), followed by the ¾" x ¼" reducing bushing (#7, Fig. 2).
Remove the retaining ring (handhold cover side) from
the clapper hinge pin (#30, Fig. 5) and push this pin
through the water column drain line and remove the
clapper subassembly. Replace the seal sub-assembly
as described previously. Inspect the clapper (#6, Fig.
5) visually before reinstalling. Reinstall in the reverse or-
der making sure the clapper spacers are in their proper
position. If the seat (#29, Fig. 5) is damaged or it is sus-
pected that the leakage is through the lower O-ring
(#24, Fig. 5), the seat-clapper subassembly is easily re-
moved as a unit as follows:
Using Reliable P/N 6881603000 Seat Wrench, remove
the seat by unscrewing. This will loosen the seat-clap-
per-mounting ring subassembly. Reach into the valve
and grasp the seat-clapper subassembly and remove it
from the valve. Visually examine all components of the
seat-clapper-mounting ring sub-assembly replacing
any component that appears damaged. New O-rings
(#23 & #24, Fig. 5) should always be used for reassem-