a) As the working speed increases, the pickup,
rotor and belt speeds increase proportionally.
b) Less crumbling losses
c) Less wear
d) Better swathing
e) Less oil heating
5.3.2. Automatic band cut-off on headland
F2: Pressing the F2 key activates the automatic belt deactivation on headlands. Field is
highlighted in black.
a) Crop cannot fall off the belt in the headlands - clean work
b) Crop material on the conveyor belt can be carried on
c) Improvement of swathing
5.3.3. Shutdown conveyor belts at the touch of a button
F3: Pressing F3 switches off the conveyor belts while the PTO shaft is running. Field is
highlighted in black. Press F3 again to switch on both conveyor belts again. Field is white