System- und Messelectronic GmbH
Bergstr. 33 86911 Diessen-Obermühlhausen Postfach 12 41 D-86908 Diessen Tel. 08196/934100
MWS 9-5e.p65 Page 25
erstellt am 30.05.2012 von DO
MWS 9-5 Manual
7 Options
7.1 Option LCD-Display
The optional LCD-display for MWS 9-5 weather stations and climate sensors displays the weather
data and, if you like, also time, date and up to 4 comment lines in an automatic run.
7.1.1 Ways of Displaying the Data
Display can be in parallel to recording with the PC or even without a PC.
If the display is connected to a PC, you connect the standardMWS 9-5-cable to the display and
connect it to the COM-Port of the PC (connection cable LCD - PC).
For use of the LCD-display, you need a power supply with a special wiring (Standard supply,
with +VCC (8..20VDC) of the 9-way interface connector applied to Pin1 for supplying the display).
ALWAYS use an adaptor where Pin1 of the 9-way connector is not wired through if you want to
use your weather station directly at a PC, because otherwise 8..20VDC are applied to Pin 1 of the
PC-COM-Port and this may destroy the PC interface!!!
After you have made all connections, shortly unplug and plug-in again the 9-way connector for
initialising the display.
7.1.2 Changing the Configuration
A terminal program helps to display all sensors, time, date and comment lines on the LCD display.
Turn the switch on the rear of the LCD to „SET“ in order to set this.
After you have switched the SET-mode, you ought to plug in and out the voltage supply of the
display (9-way connector) for initialising.
Start a terminal program with data of interface and Baud-rate and make your settings (e.g. ter-
minal #2 4800)
When you are in the SET-mode and make your settings, both display and terminal program will
send the message „Keine Wetterdaten“ about every 5sec, as in the SET-mode the connection to
the weather station is interrupted.
When you set the display, please wait for the message „Keine Wetterdaten“ after the data are
transmitted (#10 - Line feed) before you enter the following parameter; otherwise the display
possibly does not react to your new entry.
After you have made all your settings, you turn the switch to „STANDARD“ and initialise the
display by plugging in and out the voltage supply. It takes about 20sec (max.) until the display
receives data from the weather station and displays them.
If a MWS 9-5 weather station is connected to your display, time and date will be adopted from
MWS 9-5.
While you make your settings in the SET-mode, no data are transmitted from the weather station
to PC or display !!