System- und Messelectronic GmbH
Bergstr. 33 86911 Diessen-Obermühlhausen Postfach 12 41 D-86908 Diessen Tel. 08196/934100
MWS 9-5e.p65 Page 15
erstellt am 30.05.2012 von DO
MWS 9-5 Manual
3.5 Adjustment of Additional Sensors
You will find the adjustment value pairs of your weather station in the MWS9_M.XXX, with XXX
a three-digit number.
Additional sensor A has got identification ZA, additional sensor B identification ZB. The pairs of
values of ZA start with !L5, those of ZB with !L7 and those of ZC with !L9.
By default we have adjusted the additional inputs ZA and ZB in mV and ZC in kHz.
Now you connect the additional sensor to the resp. socket.
Start a terminal-programm (e.g. Windows-Terminal) and configure as follows: 9600 Baud, 8bit,
no parity, 1 Stopbit.
Under Windows-terminal, menu "Settings" - "Terminal-Settings" you turn on CR->CR/LF when
transmitting (This creates a #13#10 by pressing the Enter-key.).
You now change into the adjustment mode of the weather station. All sensors will be output with
your raw values.
Here you can find out which raw value is created by your additional sensor at a re spective analog
value. Expose a temperature sensor to 0°C, wait until the sen sor has adapted to this temperature
and then you see the respective voltage of the sensor. You proceed with e.g. 25°C etc.
Note these pairs of values and replace the resprective lines in the adjustment file. It is most
important that the first pair of values (e.g. !L5,1,F...) must contain the lowest raw value and the
last pair of values must contain the highest raw value.
At least 3 pairs of values must be determined per sensor (e.g. !L5,1F,.... to L5,3,W..).
All pairs of values which are not needed must contain raw value 65535!!
After you have determined the necessary adjustment values and entered them in the adjustment
file, you can transmit the changed file to MWS 9-5 as follows:
Start program WS_CFG.EXE, set the interface parameters and select the name of your adjustment
file. Now the new adjustment data are transmitted.
Do never change the pairs of values of the other sensors as this would lead to wrong measurements
of your weather station.
You will find the necessary parameters for controlling the weather station via Terminal-Program
in the technical appendix under Control Parameters.