The better responding point, in a
muscle, is the “motor point”; by
stimulating on the motor point that
we can obtain a better muscular
recruitment with less energy. The
other electrode, theoretically,
could be applied anywhere, but in
practice; it is advisable to place it
proximally, on the same muscle.
If we have to stimulate two
contralateral parts (two limbs), it is
also possible to place the
electrodes of the same circuit, over
the two-contralateral motor points
(avoiding transtoracic stimulation).
The motor point is the better
responding point to the electro
stimulation, so the better way to
find it, is to try different near
Example of electrodes placement
over the GLUTEI muscles.
Wave: simple BIPHASIC
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USTIM - User’s manual Rev. 2(10/19/2012)