All REGAL SMARTVALVES from 10 to 500 PPD are furnished
with appropriate size connectors to match the capacity of the
gas feed system. The SMARTVALVES with capacities of 1000
and 2000 PPD are furnished with PVC unions to be used with
1- inch Schedule 80 PVC piping (supplied by others). Larger
size piping may be required if long distances between components
are necessary.
The SMARTVALVE is connected to the vacuum tubing (or
piping) between the gas feed systems remote metering
panel assembly and the ejector as shown on the drawings in
this manual.
NOTE: The following installation guideline is a very basic
description of how to interconnect all the system components.
A more efficient method that allows quick and easy
conversion of the system to full manual operation is
illustrated on drawing No. 2.
On a STANDARD (non-switchover) system:
1) Connect a suitable length of tubing (or pipe) from the
regulator’s VACUUM (outlet) fitting to the remote metering
panel assembly’s BOTTOM (inlet) fitting.
2) Connect another length of tubing from the TOP (outlet)
fitting of the remote metering panel to the SMARTVALVE’S
inlet fitting, located on the side of the valve plug enclosure.
3) Connect a length of tubing from the outlet (bottom) fitting
of the SMARTVALVE to the vacuum fitting of the ejector
4) Finally, connect a length of tubing to the bottom (vent)
fitting of the vacuum regulator, routing it outside to a safe
location with the end pointing downward and covered
with bug screen.
On an automatic SWITCHOVER system:
1) Connect a suitable length of tubing (or pipe) from each
regulator’s vacuum (outlet) fitting to the side fittings on
the pressure relief valve.
2) Connect a length of tubing from the top fitting of the
pressure relief valve to the remote metering panel
assembly’s BOTTOM (inlet) fitting.
3) Connect a length of tubing from the TOP (outlet) fitting
of the remote metering panel to the SMARTVALVE’S
inlet fitting located on the side of the valve plug enclosure.
4) Connect a length of tubing from the SMARTVALVE’S
bottom (outlet) fitting to the vacuum fitting on the ejector
5) Finally, connect a length of tubing from the bottom
connection of the pressure relief valve, routing it outside
with the end facing down and protected with bug screen.
1) The inlet fitting of the SMARTVALVE can be rotated, if
necessary, on 90 degree centers for proper alignment of
the vacuum fitting with the other system components.
2) Use Teflon tape on all threaded plastic connections to
prevent galling of the threads; provide a vacuum tight
seal; and facilitate easy removal when necessary.
3) DO NOT over tighten fittings as damage to the fittings
and system components could occur. HAND TIGHTEN
(See Drawing Nos. 6 and 7)
1) It is essential that all external wiring be done exactly as
shown on the wiring diagrams in the manual. Incorrect
wiring or improper grounding WILL cause operational
2) All wiring and fusing MUST conform to the National
Electric Code as well as any local codes.
3) AVOID ELECTRICAL SHOCK. Do not connect power
wiring at the source distribution panel until ALL wiring
connections have been made in the SMARTVALVE and
the cover is securely fastened in place.
4) Servicing of this equipment should only be done by
qualified electronics technicians or by Chlorinators
5) EXTERNAL surge suppression devices should also be
a normal part of all electronic component installations.
These devices should be placed on all incoming AC
power circuits and, where applicable, on all incoming
DC signal lines. They MUST be chosen and sized properly
(especially when used on 4-20mA DC signal lines) to
assure maximum protection while preventing the surge
suppressor itself from overloading the line resulting in
signal loss.
6) State-of-the-art voltage surge suppressor components
and RFI/EMI filtering circuits are integrated into the
electrical circuitry of each electronic device. However,
these internal components are in place only as a last
line of defense to absorb electrical surges and spikes
before they cause irreparable damage.
7) Power and signal lines MUST be run in separate
electrical conduits to prevent signal interference.
8) The branch circuit should be protected by a fuse or a
breaker with an accessible disconnect switch.