MO 3.3, MO 3.4, MO 3.5
This Operating service and maintenance instructions is made out in compliance to requirements of relevant EU
regulations, laws and government decree of SR, resp, CR and in accordance to requirements of Regulation
MPSvR SR No. 718/2002., and its goal is to secure safety and life and health protection of the user and restrict
occurrence of material damages and endangering of environment.
1. Generally
1.1 Purpose and application of the product
Electric multispeed actuators (hereafter referred to as
), types
MO 3.3, MO 3.4 resp. MO 3.5
high performance electro-mechanical products, designed for direct assembly on controlled devices (wedge-
type and apron slide controllers and other equipments). EA are designed for remote control of armatures by
reversing rotary motion in both directions of their movement. They are equipped by measuring and
technological processes controlling means; the information carrier on their input and/or output is unified
analogue direct current, or voltage signal. They can be used in heating, energy, gas, air-conditioning and
other technological equipments, for which are suitable due to their manufacturing qualities. They are
assembled by means of flange and connecting component in accordance with ISO 5210, DIN 3338, or in
accordance with OST 26-07-763.
1. It is prohibited to use EA as lifting device!
2. The option of switching EA via semi-conductive trigger switches must be consulted with the
actuator manufacturer.
1.2 Safety instructions
Product characteristics from risk point of view
ES type
MO 3.3, MO 3.4 resp. MO 3.5
is based on characteristics stated in part „Operating
conditions“ and from the risk point of view the reserved technical device
with high risk (group A),
it is electric device of A group (see Regulation of MPSvR SR no. 718/2002 Statute, §2 and Attachment
no. l, III. part, section. 1 – valid for territory of SR).
Classification between electric equipment of group A results from the possibility to place the
actuator in the extra dangerous locations from an electrical accident point of view – wet environment
– possibility of influence by sprinkled water and in the locations with potential risk of explosion of
flammable gases and vapours.
Electric actuators are according to directive LVD 2006/95/EC and standard IEC 61010-1 assigned for
installation category II (overvoltage category).
Product influence to the environment
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC):
these products from EMC point of view corresponds to the
requirements of relevant decree of government of SR, respectively
R; and to require-ments of STN
SN EN standards for EMC.
Vibrations originated by the product:
influence of the product is negligible.
Noise originated by the product:
noise level A at the operators place max. 90 dB (A).
Environmental risk:
the product contains the cartridge of mineral oil, which is harmful for the water
organisms and can cause long-term deteriorating effects to the water environment. During
manipulation and operation of the product is necessary to prevent oil leakage to the environment. The
increased attention must be put to the operation in close vicinity of water resources.
Requirements for specialized skills of persons performing assembly, operation and
Electric connection
can be performed by:
in accordance with § 21, of the MPSvR SR Decree no. 718/ 2002
Statute, valid for territory of SR
Knowing person,
in accordance with §5 of decree 50/1978 Statute, respectively decree
51/1978 Statute valid for territory of
is the employee with expert education of electro-technical educational field
(secondary, full secondary, or college) and whose specialized skills were verified by authorized
educational organization for authorization of specialized skills.