MO 3.3, MO 3.4, MO 3.5
Change of the stage:
Shift shifting toothed wheel (43) to III. stage according to chapter 4.1.1
Change of subscale – curve:
Insert eccentric (15) in a way, that the growth of circulant is on the curve “a“ (short curve).
Insert the washer below eccentric and secure against extension by shaft securing ringlet.
During repeated insertion of transmission unit into control box must be the cam reset in a way that
its mesh with the pin of slide control (27) is in lowest point. During insertion of transmission unit
must the shaft (48) pass through the openings of slide control (27) and mounting base (46).
4.2 Set up of position-signaling unit (pic.6)
EA is by production plant set up to fixed number of working revolutions stated on type label of electric
actuator. During electric actuator adjustments proceed as follows:
Release nuts (51, 65) securing cams to the extent, that disk springs will still produce axial
pressure on them,
Reset electric actuator to position "open" and turn by cam (57) clockwise, until switch S3 (37) will
switch over,
Reset electric actuator through the angle, in which should signalize position "open" and turn by
cam (54) clockwise until switch S5 (38) will switch over,
Reset electric actuator to position "closed" and turn by cam (56) counterclockwise until switch S4
(39) will switch over,
Reset electric actuator back through the angle, in which should signalize the position "closed" and
turn by cam (53) counterclockwise, until switch S6 (40) will switch over,
After set up of electric actuator secure cams by central ribbed nut and back nut (51, 65).
The cams for signaling are, until otherwise agreed, set up just in front of terminal posi-tions. The
possibility of signalization is throughout whole working angle in both directions, i.e. 100 %.
4.3 Set up of resistive transmitter
Reset EA to position “closed“. Turn the toothed disk (13) (pic.4, 5) clockwise by screw-driver.
Thus will be achieved turning of eccentric (15), along the curve of which is shif-ted the backstop of the
shifter (27) (pic.3). The motion is out of it transferred on the le-ver (28). Turn by disk and eccentric until
the lever (28) is parallel to the cut-out of con-trol plate, in which is moving shifting pin (29) and the
transmitter will indicate turning to “Z“(160°). Now is the transmitter set up for position “closed“.
Consequently reset EA to position “open“, while the needle of the transmitter is set up to position
between “O“ and “Z“. Release the nut securing shifting pin (29). Adjust it towards transmitter until the
needle of resistive transmitter (10) indicates to “O“(0°). Secure shifting pin in this position by nut and
check working range of set up and values of resistance in terminal positions.
During this set up is necessary to preserve original adjustment of spring (59) (pic.7). In case the
clutch of transmission unit will slip, it is necessary to release the pre-stress of transmitter by releasing
the spring (59).
The backstop of shifter (27) must not during turning of eccentric (15) pass through the top of eccentric. In
that case would the sense of resistive transmitter rotation be reversed and the range of transmission unit set up
would be changed, in connection with transition from one eccentric curve to another.