REFU Elektronik GmbH
REFUsol 40K / 46K-MV
Dangers Arising from Misuse
Danger to life from electric shock
Device may only be installed and serviced by qualified specialist technical
Only class A modules according to IEC 61730 must be used.
The PV generator must be free of earth potential.
The PV generator must be designed in accordance with the technical data of
the inverter.
Every power supply line must be equipped with an appropriate AC-
disconnecting device.
A consumer must never be switched between an inverter and line protection
Access to the shutdown mechanism must always be free.
Installation and commissioning must be carried out properly.
Danger to life from electric shock
After the device has been switched off, the interior may still contain life-
threatening voltage
Do not open inverter.
Discharge time is at least 15 minutes.
Danger to life from high discharge current
It is essential to ensure an earthing connection has been established prior to
connection to the supply current circuit.
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