AN-30 System User Manual
103-Parameters saved successfully!
The latest configuration parameters have been successfully
saved into the system memory.
104-Upgrade OK!
The software upgrade process completed successfully.
105-Password changed successfully!
The system password was successfully changed.
106-Firmware programmed OK!
The firmware was successfully programmed.
107-Statistics initialized!
Reset of statistics was successful.
108-Version control loaded successfully!
Software version control data was successfully loaded.
109-Options Key activated!
Product Options Key was accepted.
110-Options Key already used!
The Product Options Key was not accepted because it was
already used once. Contact your local Redline representative.
111-SNMP configuration loaded
The SNMP configuration was successfully loaded.
201-EEPROM corrupted. Def. param.
The memory area containing the system configuration has been
corrupted. Default parameters loaded.
202-Error while saving parameters!
The latest configuration parameters have not been successfully
saved. In this case, repeat the save configuration process to try
to resolve the problem.
203-Another upgrade in progress!
The system is already in upgrade mode, in the event the operator
inadvertently invoked multiple simultaneous upgrades.
204-Invalid upgrade parameters!
The parameter entered is in error. If this message appears, check
for typing errors.
205-Upgrade failed!
The software upgrade process completed unsuccessfully.
206-Password changed unsuccessfully!
The new password entered into the system was not successful.
In this case, repeat the process.
207-Timeout on reading data packet!
The system has timeout looking for packets from the host
computer or server. Check for obvious problems such as
disconnected or faulty cable.
209-TFTP error received!
The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) routine used to
download the software to the AN-30 terminal during the
Upgrade process failed. Likely cause is disconnected or faulty
210-Error: TFTP unknown message!
The TFTP client received an unknown message. In this case,
repeat the upgrade process.
211-Error: while writing flash!
While writing the new software into AN-30 terminal flash
memory an unexpected error occurred. Try to repeat the process
and if the error persist contact your local Redline representative.
212-Error firmware configuration!
An unexpected error occurred while writing the onboard
firmware configuration. Try to repeat the process.
213-Firmware programming failed!
The firmware programming failed.
214-Error while loading version control!
Software version control data was not loaded successfully.
215-Log buffer full!
The log buffer overflowed.
216-Invalid Options Key!
User entered an invalid Product Options key.
217- PLL unlocked!
One or more RF synthesizers unlocked. The unit stopped RF
transmissions and attempted to reprogram the synthesizers. If
this message repeats or if the RF link is not back on, try to reset
the terminal. If the problem persists, contact customer support.
Outdoor unit over temperature!
The T-58 Transceiver's internal temperature rose above 185F /
85C. The transceiver will shut down for 30 seconds to allow
219-Excessive DC loss on IF cable!
The DC voltage at the transceiver (carried by the IF cable from
the AN-30 terminal) is lower than the required 24VDC. Check
the IF cable and connectors.
220-Outdoor unit power supply fault!
Indicates a fault in the transceiver's power supply. This error
could be due to a problem with the internal power supply, or
with the power source from the AN-30 terminal. If the
'Excessive DC loss on IF cable' error is also indicated, check the
IF cable and connectors. If not, the T-58 Transceiver will require
221-\public\ community can't be deleted!
The default 'Public' SNMP community cannot be deleted.
222-Max.community number already
No more communities may be defined, as the maximum number
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Redline Communications
…..solving the first mile challenge