The DSMC2 RED EVF (OLED) is a high definition electronic viewfinder designed as the ideal single-viewer monitoring
solution. Featuring the latest OLED technology, this EVF provides an unmatched personal viewing experience with a
1080p OLED micro-display, and improved color accuracy with 30-bit RGB color represenation. View and monitor your
RED footage as it is intended with truer colors and deeper blacks in a larger field of view.
Engineered with OBSOLESCENCE OBSOLETE® in mind, the DSMC2 RED EVF (OLED) is perfect for use with
WEAPON, SCARLET- W, RAVEN, EPIC, or SCARLET cameras. RED offers multiple mounting solutions for each
camera type.
DO NOT point the DSMC2 RED EVF (OLED) eyepiece at direct sunlight. Continued exposure to direct
sunlight may damage the EVF. Point the eyepiece away from sunlight when not in use. Damage to the DSMC2 RED
EVF (OLED) caused by continued exposure to direct sunlight is not covered under warranty.
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