To be compatible with the DSMC2 V-Lock I/O Expander, third-party batteries must meet these requirements:
Maximum width: approximately 100.6 mm
Minimum radius of the side edge of the V-mount (rear mounting surface): approximately 9.70 mm
The following third-party batteries have been fit-tested by RED and are mechanically compatible with the DSMC2 V-
Lock I/O Expander (additional batteries may be compatible, but have not been tested):
Blueshape® (All BV series)
IDX® (E-HL10DS and E-HL9)
Sony® (BP-FL75)
Switronix (Hypercore series and XP-L90S)
While third-party batteries may be mechanically compatible with the camera system, the manufacturer is
responsible for the performance and stability of third-party options, not RED. Damage to the camera system or third-
party devices caused by using third-party power options is not covered under warranty. The camera may be unable to
determine and display the voltage or remaining battery capacity of third-party power options.
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