High resolution video, such as the digital footage captured by the camera, has surpassed the detail necessary to
produce professional full-sized prints. Because of the ability to record at high frame rates and resolution, the camera is
ideally suited to capture video and still images, simultaneously.
The camera is equipped with a Stills mode that makes it easier to capture stunning images. With presets optimized for
stills and Swipe-Up Shortcuts for the RED Touch display, switching from Motion mode to Stills mode is seamless.
Using REDCINE-X PRO, or other editing applications supporting the RED SDK, you can pull full resolution still images
from R3D files.
REDCINE-X PRO is a professional one-light coloring toolset, equipped with an integrated timeline and a post effects
software collection that provides the ideal environment to review recorded footage, edit metadata, organize projects,
and prepare your R3D files. Use either REDCINE-X PRO or a compatible third-party non-linear editing (NLE) application
to edit R3D files.
RED TETHER, included in REDCINE-X PRO, allows you to record footage from your camera directly to a computer or
an external drive. Using tethering bypasses the need to record to an SSD and offload to a computer later, saving you
The latest version of
and the
are available for download at
RED TETHER is included in REDCINE-X PRO build 35 or later.
HDRx extends dynamic range up to six (6) stops by simultaneously capturing two (2) images of identical resolution
and frame rate. The first image is a normally exposed track (A-track), while the second is an underexposed track (X-
track) with an exposure value that reflects the additional stops of highlight protection. These tracks are “motion-
conjoined” during recording, leaving no time gap between the two (2) exposures. This is different from traditional
alternating exposures, which have small gaps between tracks, producing unwanted motion tracks.
MAGIC MOTION is a post production method that combines two (2) HDRx tracks to create an image with both natural
motion blur (from the A- track) and sharper reference (the X- track). MAGIC MOTION produces an image with an
extraordinary dynamic range that is not available with any other motion capture camera.
Shooting at 24 fps with a 180° (1/48 sec) shutter on traditional film or digital cameras produces motion blur throughout,
which is not the way the human eye observes motion. For example, ask someone to swing their arm. What you would
observe in a traditional recording of this action is constant motion blur until the arm stops. However, what your eye
sees is both motion blur and a sharper reference of the arm throughout the motion path. MAGIC MOTION creates an
image that matches the natural motion observed by the human eye.
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