Zhejiang Reci Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
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Figure 3 Nitrogen Input
Please input nitrogen around 3 minutes to fill the inside before turning on the laser
To ensure the nitrogen at a positive pressure during laser normal operation.
Chapter 3 The Installation and Options
3.1 Installation
3.3.1 Connecting the DC Supply Cables
Figure 4 DC Supply Connection
Please connect the positive pole of the DC power supply to the respective positive pole of the laser as
shown in the figure, and connect the negative pole of the DC power supply to the negative of the laser.
Extremely, the DC power supply should be on and checking with the multimeter to distinguish between
the positive and negative poles of the power supply before installation.
Generally, the red cable means the positive, and the black cable means the negative.
Please note the orientation of cable before installing and refer to the below figure to avoid short circuit.
Figure 5 Correct cable installation diagram Figure 6 Wrong cable installation diagram
When connecting the DC power supply cable to the laser’s positive filtering connector, please note that
the inner nut can be tightened by hand to protect the internal components. Then use a wrench to clamp