RechargX™ RX201X v1
Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm ET © 1995-2011 ReChargX™, EmptyX, TonerRefillKits and TonerRefillKits.com, the TonerRefillKits logo, the
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Step 3: Orient the Toner Cartridge
Orient the cartridge on your work surface so
the end of the cartridge with the white label
and toner hopper plug is facing upward, shown
in figure 3.
The toner hopper plug will be located underneath
the white label of the cartridge.
Step 4: Score the Cartridge Label
Using the edge of a flat-blade screwdriver, slice
through the label at the top and side (figure 4).
Step 5: Remove the Toner Hopper Plug
Wedge the edge of a flat-blade screwdriver
down between the lip of the cartridge and the
toner hopper plug then pry the plug up and
out, figure 5.
Do not worry about damaging the plug, as we
include a replacement plug with the ReChargX™
RX201X Toner Refill Kit. However, be careful not
to damage the toner cartridge itself.
Figure 3:
Orient the toner cartridge
Figure 4:
Remove the cartridge label
Figure 5:
Remove the toner hopper plug