Ameba-D Application Note
Application Note All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © REALTEK 2020. All rights reserved.
Fig 1-25 IDE options
IAR Memory Configuration
Configuring Memory from IAR IDE
In order to allow users to manage memory flexibly, there are some configurations to put some code into certain memory region.
In IAR workspace, there are “@PSRAM” and “@SRAM” group. The code in “@PSRAM” group would be linked and loaded into PSRAM, and the
code in “@SRAM” group would be linked and loaded into SRAM. The rest of code will be placed on Flash and execute in place.
Considering only SRAM and PSRAM contains secure regions, the code in km4_secure project should be placed either in “@PSRAM” or in
“@SRAM”. It can’t be placed outside these two groups.