Instructions for the Special Edition #SE-JM907 The Alison, Jr.
J: Interior
Page 21
Top Stair Block
Stair Block
Illustration #43
Cut Off
Finish the Inside...Plan Ahead!
Interior fi nishing involves so many choices! Will this house be a
play-house or a display for miniatures? What accessories will be
used and where will they go? Wiring? Wallpaper? Tile or carpet-
ing? Every choice makes a difference in the order of fi nishing.
Real Good Toys has provided materials for some basic interior
work, but you may choose to do it differently.
Make your choices
Get your materials
Test your layout
With the pieces in your hands
, imagine the steps to get to where
you want to be.
Now you’re ready for
order of interior fi nishing.
Here’s the order that our assembly pro follows for tackling
most custom interior fi nishing:
• Dividers
Electrical wiring (using “tape
style wiring)
• Ceilings
• Flooring
• Wallpaper
Interior Window Trim
• Stairs
Baseboard and crown moldings
Adjust the fi t of all the parts. Everything must be in place as the glue dries
You have fi nished the Dollhouse Assembly part of your project…
Stairs and Stringer:
Stairs and Stringer:
Line up the Stringer with the pattern, and
Line up the Stringer with the pattern, and
mark the cut. Cut the Stringer with a fi ne toothed saw
mark the cut. Cut the Stringer with a fi ne toothed saw..
Glue the Bottom and Top Stair Blocks together (Illustration #43).
Glue the Bottom and Top Stair Blocks together (Illustration #43).
Without glue, test the Stair assembly in the stair hole. The stairs
Without glue, test the Stair assembly in the stair hole. The stairs
are tight to the wall and the top tread is fl ush with the fl oor.
are tight to the wall and the top tread is fl ush with the fl oor.
Wait to permanently install the stairs until fl ooring and wallpa-
Wait to permanently install the stairs until fl ooring and wallpa-
pering are done.
pering are done.
Glue the stair assembly in place. Let dry.
Glue the stair assembly in place. Let dry.
Glue the Stringer to the side of the Stair assembly for support.
Glue the Stringer to the side of the Stair assembly for support.
are important supports for the fl oors and roof, but their
are important supports for the fl oors and roof, but their
position is fl exible. Test your interior furnishings and install Di-
position is fl exible. Test your interior furnishings and install Di-
viders where they best serve your interior plan. Blind Dividers are
viders where they best serve your interior plan. Blind Dividers are
optional separators front-to-back for the Tower Rooms.
optional separators front-to-back for the Tower Rooms.
To install a Divider, spread glue on the edges, tip the Divider and
To install a Divider, spread glue on the edges, tip the Divider and
put it almost all the way into the house, set the base and stand the
put it almost all the way into the house, set the base and stand the
Divider upright, slide it the rest of the way into position.
Divider upright, slide it the rest of the way into position.