Instructions for the Special Edition #SE-JM907 The Alison, Jr.
G: Windows & Door
Page 18
Window Assembly:
The parts used in this section should be
painted ahead of time. If they have not been
painted, do so now.
34. Test assemble
(no glue)
a window set
Practice holding the frame pieces face-down
on the work surface and putting on the rubber
band (Illustration #31: a scrap of tape at each
corner helps). In the illustrations, the hands are
holding the frame parts down, not squeezing
together. When you can get the rubber band on
every time without pieces fl ying, then you are
ready for glue
35. Glue and rubber band together the
window frames. Glue, tape, and rubberband
together two Dormer Interior Trim frames
(Illustration #32). Make sure the frames are
square as the glue dries (Illustration #33).
36. Check the fi t of the windows in the
openings. Make sure the windows can sit level
with the house. Trim the corners of the open-
ings square if necessary for a good fi t.
37. Paint the Shutter parts on both faces.
Without glue, adjust the spacing of the Shutter
Panels on the Shutter Cores (Illustration #34).
Remove the Shutter Panel, put a scant line of
glue on each edge of the back surface, then
replace the Shutter Panel. Too much glue will
make the panel curl.
38. Glue the windows, the Door, and the
Shuttters in place only after everything (includ-
ing the Housebody) is painted.
Attach the exterior window frames as part of
the exterior fi nishing. After the interior fi nish-
ing is done (wallpaper, paint, etc.), set the win-
dow plexi into the window cutout
without glue
and glue the interior window frame in place.
Illustration #31
Illustration #31
Illustration #32
Illustration #33
Window Frame is shown face down
Illustration #34
Dormer Interior Frame
Dormer Exterior Frame
The hands are holding the frame parts
Down, not squeezing them together
Window Plexi
Interior Window Frame
Exterior Window Frame
Snips of tape can hold the
corners while putting on a
rubber band - take off the
tape while the glue dries
Dormer Window
Standard Wndow