Illustration #25
29. Without glue, test the Roof Top on the tops of the Roofs and
Tower Walls, fl ush with the back edge of the Roofs, and with an even
overhang all around.
• Make sure the overhang is parallel all along the Side Roofs, make
sure the Roof Top is lined up with the back edges of the Side Roofs.
• Test the Rooftop Extension on top of the Tower, lined up with the
Roof Top on the Left edge.
Trace the outline of the house on the bottom of the Rooftop and
Rooftop Extension.
Remove the Roof Top and Rooftop Extension. Paint the outside
of the tracing. Finish painting the Tower Top Sides. Let the paint
Glue and tape the Roof Top in place.
Check to make sure the overhang is parallel all along the Side
Roofs, make sure the Roof Top is lined up with the back edges of the
Side Roof; then tape the Roof Top to the back edge of the Side Roofs
(Illustration #23). Add weights as the glue dries for a tight fi t.
30. Glue and tape the Rooftop Extension in position (Illustration
Check the fi t of all the parts and make sure all the joints are
tight. Make sure the Floors and Roof Top are straight, fl at, and evenly
spaced around the edges. Use tape and weights as necessary to get all
the joints tight as the glue dries.
Illustration #24
Roof Top
Roof Top Extension
Illustration #23
Roof Top
Roof Top
Instructions for the Special Edition #SE-JM907 The Alison, Jr.
F: Roof Top
Page 16
Let the glue dry
Carve the Trim for a perfect fi t
Exterior Painting:
Finish all of the Exterior painting now!
Skip ahead to the proper assembly sections to decide how
you would like each part fi nished:
• Brackets
• Trimstrips
• Windows and Door (pg.14)
• Shutters
• Dormers
• Cresting
• Fluteposts/Beads (pg. 16)
• Flower Boxes (pg.16)
” Trimstrips:
31. Glue Trimstrips to cover the side edges of the fronts
(Left, Right, Tower). See Illustration #25.
Cut and carve Trimstrip material to fi t the tower edges
above the ledge (Trimstrip material can be cut with a razor
saw, utility knife with a new, sharp blade, or with scissors)
Cut Trim 9” for the inside corner of the porch.