S tereo en co d er
F M T ran sm itter
R D S E n c o d e r
M P X in p u t
O u tp u t In p u t
M P X o u tp u t
Both stereo encoder and FM transmitter with only one MPX connector provided - loopthrough mode.
Use this mode only if no of the previous connection is possible.
F M T ra n s m itte r w ith
in te g ra te d s te re o e n c o d e r
R D S E n c o d e r
P ilo t/M P X o u tp u t
O u tp u t
In p u t
R D S /S C A /M P X in p u t
FM transmitter with integrated stereo encoder.
In case of
transmission (no stereo encoder used) the RDS encoder input may be left unconnected (since there is no need of external
synchronization) or it may be used for the audio signal injection in the case that the FM transmitter has only one input connector.
Hardware Settings
On-board adjustable elements
Due to completely DSP-based solution there’s no adjustable element on the board affecting the RDS or MPX signal.
Loop/Side switch
Select the LOOP position only if it’s necessary to pass the input signal to the output of the RDS encoder (loopthrough mode).
In all other cases the switch must be fixed in the SIDE position!
Always make sure that the switch is securely fixed in the position desired and eliminate possibility of unwanted change of its state!