This is a naturally occurring phenomenon when there is
a significant difference in temperature between inside
and outside of the incubator during incubation period.
If this occurs, water may form in inside bottom of
the incubator(bottom part).
Do not place any goods near the incubator.
Check water level every three days during incubation, and refill when needed.
You'd better to use tap water than purified water or underground water for avoiding evaporating pad
damage. (Evaporating pad is available from Autoelex Co.,Ltd. or distributors.)
Evaporating pad is expendables.
Dew Condensation
When hatching, humidity should be relatively high to
prevent the thin membrane from drying out or hardening
before hatching.
When hatching, it's recommended not to open
the lid often.
This is because if you open the lid often humidity will be
rapidly decreased and it will take a long time to regain
the proper humidity.
Humidity & Air Maintenance During Incubation
It's very important to maintain humidity higher 1~2 days before hatching than the early and middle
incubation periods. Humidity requirements during incubation are 45~55% for waterfowl, 40~45% for
poultry and 35~45% for parrot, in general. One day before hatching, all kinds of birds need about
65% humidity and sometimes need higher than that.
However, in areas of high ambient humidity,
lower levels of humidity may be needed during incubation
(Rcom Pro20 incubator automatically controls these conditions according to incubation period.)
If incubatior temperature is higher than 37
and room temperature is low, it may be difficult to maintain
humidity of over 70%. There may be some difference of humidity about 5% according to the external
environment, but no problem with hatching.
Air Controlling Lever : Outer fresh air can be flowed into incubator inside without affecting insulation.
When eggs start hatching, open air controlling lever either fully or half-open.
2. Before use
(5) Humidity & Air Maintenance During Incubation /
Dew Condensation
(5) Humidity & Air Maintenance During Incubation /
Dew Condensation
2. Before use
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Incubator Hatcher Rcom King suro MX20 User Manual