Chapter 3: Playing Discs (MP3s)
What is MP3?
MP3 is a format for storing digital audio. An audio CD-quality song can be compressed into MP3 format with little loss of
quality, while taking up much less space.
CD-R or CD-RW discs that have been encoded in MP3 format that can be played on your DVD player. In this manual, CD-R and
CD-RW discs will be referred to as MP3 discs. MP3 files, or songs, are referred to as titles.
Obtaining MP3 Files
There are two ways to obtain MP3 files:
• Use your computer software to encode MP3 files from an audio CD — you can download the software necessary to encode
MP3 files from the internet.
• Download MP3 files from the internet. There are many internet sites that allow you to download MP3 files free of charge,
and many sites that require a fee.
Creating an MP3 Disc on Your Computer
For information regarding MP3 encoding software and MP3 site, visit http://www.lyrazone.com.
The MP3 Display
MP3 discs contain individual songs that can be organized into folders.
When you play an MP3 disc, the MP3 screen appears. Folders and songs
are displayed on the left side of the screen. The right side of the screen is
the program window.
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