HeatNet Control V3
Page 95
Log Entry
The Torus Series H-Net control contains a log that records
the major activity (events) in the operation of the boiler.
This activity includes interlock faults, boiler starting and
stopping events, power cycles, misc. faults, and types of
calls-for-heat (control inputs). Setting the time clock to an
accurate time and date is very useful when events are
recorded, since the control will time stamp each snapshot. If
the system is configured to run with HeatNet, then only the
Master boilers SYSTEM TIME needs to be entered. The
Master will then set the time on all Member boilers.
The log is primarily used as a troubleshooting and
diagnostic tool but may be used as a performance tool to
view run time cycles.
An event in time of the boiler’s state is presented via
multiple screens. Each screen event can be stepped through
using the arrow keys.
The top line in left corner indicates any condition that
caused the event. This may be a fault (such as to indicate a
sensor that has failed.) or general event as denoted by
“Event”. The top line, right corner displays the time and
date the event occurred. In the bottom center of the
command bar, the event # is displayed so that easy indexing
can be done using the arrow keys. The second line from the
top displays the type of heat demand for that event. The next
few lines display the Setpoint, Return, Header, DHW,
Supply and Outside temperatures. The last line displays the
The Center middle annunciator shows icons of the boilers in
the system/standalone with graphics indicating if they are
firing. The large arrow buttons on the left and right of the
boiler icons allow the viewing of the control state.
They are the Circulator Pump state, and the ignition
sequence condition (Main Valve, Blower, and the Ignition
alarm). There are also indicators for interlocks and auxiliary
The log may also be viewed using HeatNet Pro or HeatNet