W W W . G O S I D E M O U N T . C O M
Post-Dive : Razor Side Mount System cleaning and examination and storage
With proper care and service, your Razor Side Mount System should provide years of
enjoyment. Maintenance and care procedures must be observed and are as follows:
1. Rinse the Razor Side Mount System thoroughly inside and outside with fresh water
after every use (do not use any aggressive solvent and/or cleansing liquid).
• Fill the BAT Wing Inner Bladders, approximately 1/4 full with clean fresh water
through the Oral valve.
• Orally inflate the BAT Wing and shake to distribute water inside of the BAT Wing.
• Hold the BAT Wing upside down, depress the Oral Valve Button, and allow all water
and air to drain from the Oral Valve mouthpiece.
• Repeat one or two more times.
• Rinse the entire BAT Wing with fresh water by dipping in a tub or spraying with a hose.
• Rinse all valves to make sure all sand and other debris is removed.
2. Dry the Razor Side Mount System: if hanging, make sure it is not in direct sunlight. Dry
completely if storing, slightly inflated.
1.5 Inspection and handling of the Razor Side Mount System
1 General Information
Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure to chlorinated water, such as in swimming pools. Wash
your Razor Side Mount System immediately after any use in chlorinated water. Chlorinated
water can oxidize fabrics and materials on your BC, thereby shortening their life, and cause col-
ors (especially neon) to fade. Damage and fading from prolonged exposure to chlorinated water
is specifically not covered under warranty.