8.5.2 Operators
Every measurement can be stored with the name of the actual operator. In this menu, new
operators can enter their first name and last name. Existing entries can be changed.
Touch an operators name and then touch ‘ok’ to make your choice.
Note the ‘Ask for Operator at Powerup’ check box. When checked, you will be asked if the
chosen operators name is yours. This may be helpful, when several operators are using the
8.5.3 Standards
TR-MARK III supports several international transformer standards. Use this menu to choose
the one you prefer.
8.5.4 Printer
If you are up to use an external USB Printer, you should choose the correct emulation.
Connect your USB Printer to TR-Mark III’s USB host connector
. Maybe you would like to
print a test page, to make sure everything works properly.
To use the auto print option on the internal printer, choose this option in printer menu.
8.5.5 Color
Two recommended color schemes are available. Indoor and in moderate sunlight you may
prefer the colored scheme.
In bright sunlight black and white provides maximal contrast to make sure everything remains
The USB host has an oblong connector, USB device has square connector.
90100-2.20 Instruction Manual TR-MARK III 250V
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