1. Select
2. Select the
3. Select the
Arrival radius:
setting field.
4. Adjust the distance to the desired value.
5. Press the
button to return to the alarms menu.
The waypoint arrival alarm can be disabled or enabled using the
Waypoint arrival:
toggle switch.
Restarting cross track error (XTE)
A cross track error (XTE) occurs when your actual route diverges from
your original planned route. Restarting XTE plots a new course directly
from your current position to your destination, rather than continuing
to follow the original planned route.
1. Select
Restart XTE
from the
Menu > Navigation
> Restart XTE
Following a Route
Follow the steps below to navigate a saved route.
From the Chart app, with the route displayed onscreen:
1. Select a route leg.
The route context menu is displayed.
2. Select
Follow route
to follow the route from start to finish.
Alternatively you can select Follow route from the route pop-over
menu, accessed from the Routes menu.
Menu > Routes & Tracks >
Routes > <Route name> > Follow