background image



- -   .








Your Aulohelm is an 

 tiller autopilot which shares the

same microprocessor 


into our 

 and mosl sophisticaled

 inslalled pilols.



 will provide




 up lo 


 he use   your Aulohelm may be

extended by adding any 




Radio Navigation 




Only one accessory may be used al


You will find 





and enjoyable using this handbook and

   hand tools


Cockpit and liller conliguralions vary

widely and to ensure your Aulohelm

 is as neal and secure as

possible a 

 range   tilling accessories

is available lrom aulhorised 
slockisls. Full details are included.

In case   any 


your main distributor or 

Technical Sales Deparlmenl 





accordance with our 

 Aulohelm will give 

 even under the 

 and become an 

member   your crew.

Good sailiny!



\ A


Your Aulohelm is a 



maynelic sensing 




 between the liller

and  a  sinyle 

 poinl on the


yacht’s structure. 


 yachl’s 12 voll 







 Incorporates a




advlsable lo ensure 

 the yachl’s




 away to avold



 Iwo basic

dimensions are 

 (Fig. 1):.

Dlmenslon A

 569mm (23.2”)




Dlmenslon B   460mm (16”)


 line lo liller pin

Clamp the liller on the yachl’s cenlre

line and mark 

 dimensions A and B (A

is measured on 



 cockpit) using masking 

 to locate

 lixing points. Ensure 

 are al 






Summary of Contents for Autohelm 1000

Page 1: ...Distributed by Any reference to Raytheon or RTN in this manual should be interpreted as Raymarine The names Raytheon and RTN are owned by the Raytheon Company ...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...s Deparlmenl lor assistance Properly inslalled and operaled in accordance with our recommendalions lhe Aulohelm will give oulslanding perlormance even under the louglresl condilions and become an indispensible member 01 your crew Good sailiny Fiy t i A I Your Aulohelm is a lolally sell contained maynelic sensing aulomalic pilol The autopilol is rnounled between the liller and a sinyle allachmenl p...

Page 4: ...lo the Slarboard cockpil seal Fig 3 Proceed as lollows I TILLER PIN Cal No 0001 0 Drill 6mm Y4 hole x 25mm 1 deep al poinl marked I l Using a Iwo part epoxy such as Araldile epoxy Ihe liller pin inlo place 0 Posilion Ihe shoulder 01 Ihe pin 12 5mm Vz above Ihe liller surlace MOUNTING SOCKET Cal No 0002 l Drill 125mm 2 hole x 25mm t deep inlo Ihe etarboard cockpil seal l II Ihe lhickness 01 Ihe mou...

Page 5: ..._ i _ _ _L TILLER BRACKETS Figs 5 and 6 Where lhe heighl d lhe liller above or below Ihe cockpil seal or mounling plane is such that standard mounling is not praclical a range d liller brackels allows Ihe liller pTn dtsel to be varied 1 lnelallallon 0 Positton Ihe liller brackel on Ihe cenlre line upper tower ot Ihe tiller and eslablish conlrot dimensions A and 8 l Mark oil the position of lhe cen...

Page 6: ...end 0 f7emove burrs wilh lile l Temporarily assemble Ihe canlilcvcr by screwing Itie rod inlo Ihe mounling tlange l Ensure Ihe Aulohelm body is horlzonlel and mark olt the tocalion 01 lhe mounling tlange l Mark and drill 3 x 6mm I holes ignore lhe Iwo inner holes l Mounl Ihe Ilange using 3 x 6mm S diameler bolls wilh nuls and washers Be sure to inslall Ihe backing plale correclly Bed Ihe llange on...

Page 7: ...irn I 5 DO26 I l4mm 4 5 50111111 2 0 0027 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2Umm 5 0 G4n g 5 _ _ i 02u _ _ 14Omin 55 76mrn 3 0 0029 153rnrn GO j 09it l l i5 fj _ _ _ ojo __ _ _ TILLER PIHS For cerlain nondandarrl installations a range 01 liller lJins are available Deecrlpllon Sire Cal flo Small hJeacjerl liller pin 25rlllrl I DO14 Exlia len ll liller pin _ _ _ 72rl1111 2 0 0020 _ _ Exlra Ienglh hre J tiller pin 7211111...

Page 8: ...anyo bullons Uevialion lrom the scl course is continuously monitored by the scrlsitive Ituxgate compass and correclive rudder is applied lo relutn lho vessel to course 1 he applied tuddor is ploporlional lo course erloi al any lime alld thus when Ihe course is reslored Ihe rudder will be neutralised When changes in vessel Irirn occur duo lo varialions in wind pressure or engine Ihrollle selling lh...

Page 9: ...e lour black bullons 1 2 1 0 I 0 0 10 to 0 0 srrttn OY bUI0 0 0 _ _ ___ _ ___ _ _ _ __ _ r iii Pttsh and hold down lo exlencl 1 0 1 l 0 ICtlXt f thC J JSlMOd AUTO Push once lo engage lhe aulopilol lo mnirrlain IIIC currenl Ireading or push Iwlce willrin 2 seconds lo relurn lo Iho previous aulonralic hcatliny Push lo alter course lo porl or slarboard t in incremenls 01 1 and IO doyrees STAND BY Pus...

Page 10: ... rJcyrros t i lt t keys always Iirrn lhe vcssai a lo sla1boarl J STANU BY Pusii once lo disengage It10 windvane lor IIiaIii al slccring Ttio previous apparenl wind angle will be IiieInorisett 01 I ustl once lo change over lo auloInalic compass heading conlrot and maintain It10 currenl Iieatling t ________________ _ AUTOI ACK FUNCTION 1 be k lotd n has an aulomalic lacking luriclion which opcrales ...

Page 11: navigalion syslern Full operaling delails are supplied wilh each inlerlace Your main dislribulor or Nauleclis Producl Supporl Deparlmenl will be able lo advise you 01 flaclio Navigalion Syslerris wilh suilable aulopilol oulpul Note l Always switch your Aulohelm oft before plugging In sn accessory l Clnly one accessory may be used al any Ilme FUNCTIONAL TEST PROCEDURE Aller cornpleling Ihe insla...

Page 12: ...le louf couise conlrol keys l Press Au10 twice willrin 2 seconds lo relurn lo lhe original aulomalic heading Hand Sleerfng l Press Stand by and lill Ihe aulof ilol lrom Ihc tiller pin IOI relurn lo hand sleering I Au10 Tack Funcflon lhe lollowing addilional trial is l The yachl will complcle a 100 course ecommonded cl nngo lo bring il onlo lho opposile lack 0 Sleer onlo a conslanl heading af pioxi...

Page 13: ...Aiilo of ongagiiiy llrc wiiidvaiie bolti i icssect lo pul Ille uiiil in Stand by iett keys logell cr will always rosloIo Ihe oj elmg 1n0 aul111iiatic sea slate ccJl ucJl OIW3ATlNG t IIN I S I _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ __ _ __ _ _ _ llia Autohelii s colsq3uIer conlirwourly optimists auloinalic sleeiiny peiloiniancc eliririli ling tlie need lor ol 3alor supervision It is Iiowever very impoilanl lo u...

Page 14: ......

Page 15: ...e will supply any pails used lree 01 charge bul Ihe sender will be invoiced tor Ihe necessary labour and relu ri stdprnenl al Ihe local rale Equipmenl used oulside Ihe CONDITIONS 1 ho warranly is invalidit i counlry ol purchase can be eillren a Relurned lo Ihe Dislributor or Dealer in whose counlry or Iron1 whom Ihe equiprnenl was originally purchased il wilt lhen be serviced lree 01 charge and pr...
